Most frequently questions and answers.

Register for our event by visiting our portal pass page. Choose which portal pass you’d like to receive. We will send you confirmation emails along with your temporary password so you can log back into HeySummit. Our ACTUATE Pass is FREE.  Our Activated, Awakened and Ascended passes are paid.
We accept VISA, MasterCard, American Express, Discover, Paypal, and more.

Portal passes options can be found HERE!

Please note: the ACTUATE Free Portal Pass includes only 10 pieces of content, the days of 11/10 & 11/11.  These are listed on our portal pass page.

Our ACTIVATED, AWAKENED AND ASCENDED Portal Passes give you access to ALL CONTENT!

Activated- 4 day all access pass

Awakened- 3 month VIP all access pass

Ascended- 3 month VIP all access + become a benefactor

Please visit our Portal Pass Page to upgrade

On the day of the event, go to our  Virtual Experience Website (on the Hey Summit platform).
Log in using the same email address you registered with. Your password is either the temporary password we emailed you or the new one that you changed it to. 

You may access the schedule for the event here.
It can also be found by clicking on “Schedule” in the header of our event site. 

Live content starts on 11/10/21 at 3:30 PM Pacific time and our welcome video is at 4 PM, which is 11/11/21 at 11 AM Sydney, Australia time Our 11.11 Portal Opening Video is 11 AM YOUR time and presentations will continue to go live from then. 

Go to our Virtual Experience Website HOME PAGE (on Hey Summit platform), we will feature live content for you to join. 

As a presentation, livestream, panel or interview goes LIVE- it will pop up at the top of the home screen page.  Just click it and watch!

Yes! REPLAYS of all content is available, even after the event is over.

To access REPLAYS you MUST have an ACTIVATED, AWAKENED of ASCENDED Portal Pass.

ACTIVATED Pass give you access only for the weekend.

AWAKENED AND ASCENDED Passes give you access to ALL content for 3 months!

Most of our content will be embedded straight into our Virtual Experience Website, just log into the site (as an attendee) the days of the event and you’ll see a pop up window at the top of the page as each presentation goes LIVE.

Please note: The 3 Documentary Films will take you OFF the site, please come back to view the rest of the content.

The Global Synchronized Coherence Experience 12-1:30 p.m.PST on 11/11 is a live zoom webinar.  CLICK the “Creating Community Coherence” presentation, hosted by Teresa Collins and you will enter the webinar, to join us LIVE and make comments, etc.

No. You don’t need to attend the entire event. If you are busy at certain hours, you can always watch the recordings by purchasing our Awakened and Ascended portal passes. 

Unfortunately, no. We are a small non-profit, all funds go to charity and we cannot provide refunds at this time. Thank you for your understanding.

Q&A chat boxes will be available during all of our live presentations and replays where you may ask questions, introduce yourself, and make comments.
The comment thread will be found on the right side of any presentation page.
This is the fun part, please feel free to comment and get involved in the conversation!

Yes! You can access our Virtual Experience website and watch sessions on any device that has access to the internet. 

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Join our 11.11 community, receive two FREE GIFTS!

eBook: Embodied Awakening: “3-Steps to Purposeful Leadership” and Video “11.11- a Path to Our Awakening