Joy Oasis
Our private home will become a beautiful, peaceful, rustic Private Redwood Retreat Center! Nestled on a sunny ridge above the mystical and magical redwood forest of Joy Road in Occidental, CA! This hobbit house and other unique structures sits amongst the stunning majesty of Mother Nature; home to hummingbirds, hawks, deer and fairies.
Sacred Portal Puja
Portal Priestess Mystery School Weekend Retreat
September 20-22, 2024
Joy Oasis Private Retreat Center
2211 Joy Road, Occidental, CA
Are you willing to take a deep look at how you can begin to make huge shifts from this old paradigm programming?
Are you willing to move from an ordinary life to an extraordinary one?
Are you ready to trust your inner knowing and allow your intuition to guide your life path?
Fully embody your divine femininity and learn to completely trust your intuition by discovering your unique “Divine Design”, in turn; lighting you UP and turning ON your radiance!
Join us for this auspicious occasion, as we come into sacred ceremony together, in honor of our Sacred Portals of creation!
This weekend retreat into the Portal Priestess Mystery School and Divine Feminine Rising’s work, is a LIVE, in-person offering, that includes:
- ~Deep, intimate connection with your siSTARs
- ~Discover your portal's "Divine Design"
- ~Divine Feminine Embodiment Practices
- ~Mirror Gazing and Journaling
- ~Sacred Portal Photo Taking Ritual
- ~Portal Archetypes
- ~Experience a mini Sacred Portal Oracle Reading
- ~Yoni Cast/ Altar Sculpture to take home with you
- ~Music, Movement, Meditation
Energy Exchange for the entire weekend retreat:
$288-$444 sliding scale
Presented by
The Hostesses
The “Sovereign Super Sisters” is a collaboration of:
- Anistara Ma Ka of 11.11 Unified
- Luminessa Enjara of The New Feminine Rising
Our mission is to gather community together for our own awakening and our planetary ascension! Love is the central pillar of all of the events we co-create!
Joy Oasis Private Retreat
We are here to be in service to the commUNITY!
Envision what you want to co-create and let’s discover how we can weave together!
Envisioin your Next Event
Sacred Ceremony, Sweat Lodges, Private Retreats, Intimate Weddings, commUNITY Gatherings, Campouts! Perfect for your intimate & exclusive special event!
inJOY your Personal Stay
in the Gypsy Caravan, The Honeymoon Suite, Shift Pod Rental, RV/Car Camping, Tent Camping, Hammock in the Forest! Choose your preferred experience!
Spa Day in Garden Bathroom
Slip into BLISS with a relaxing bubble bath, followed by a 2-hour Healing Session with Anistara (with tuning forks & essential oils), then an afternoon siesta!
Come out and stay with us at our newly inherited property in Occidental, CA! Joy Oasis was Andrew’s childhood home and we are calling our commUNITY together to initiate the vision to co-create a private retreat center!
This beautiful and peaceful land is nestled on a ridge above the redwoods on Joy Road, one mile from the Grove of Old Redwoods (an ancient forest with thousand year old Mother trees). It is a “diamond in the rough”; with unique, rustic, and full of potential buildings- ready for our energy infusion!