Production Dream Team
This incredible team helps create the dream!
It takes a tribe. So grateful to bEARTH our Future, together!

Anistara Ma Ka
Mother of 11.11 Unified, Lead Producer, Enrollment Master
Mama Bear overseeing all of the things, bEARTHing our future, together!

Andrew Kaus
Father of 11.11 Unified, Jack of all Trades
Supportive life partner and husband of Anistara, the angel man of manifestation!

Brielle Bataille
Associate Producer/
Media Partner
Manifestation Media’s vision and mission is one in the same, we are in this together.

Kalindi Garcia
Production Assistant
Tying up all the little loose ends to wrap things up with a lovely bow.

Jesse Churchill
11.11 Portal Video editor
Epic friend and co-heart, a trouper, late into the night, getting it done!

Andrea Magat
Anistara's Executive Assistant
This woman is a Rock Star, she gets it done efficiently and concisely.